
Marshall County Board of Public Utilities to Enact Voluntary Conservation Measures

at Request of Duck River Agency

At the request of the Duck River Agency (DRA), the Marshall County Board of Public Utilities is enacting voluntary conservation measures due to drought conditions in the Duck River Watershed.

Per the U.S. Drought Monitor, far-west portions of the Duck River Watershed are currently in “D3 Extreme Drought” conditions. At D3 levels, expected impacts include a water supply that is inadequate for wildlife. Marshall County Board of Public Utilities is currently in the area of “D1 Intensity Level Drought” conditions.

In response, the Duck River Agency is initiating a Drought Response Team, consisting of Marshall County Board of Public Utilities leaders alongside other local and state officials, who will meet weekly to assess drought conditions and escalate the response if needed.

The Duck River Agency is declaring the river is in a “Stage 1 River Drought.” While the Normandy Reservoir is not seeing drought impacts currently, many downstream entities, including Marshall County Board of Public Utilities, are seeing low river flow levels. This means significant amounts of river water is being lost to groundwater replenishment.

At this Stage 1 designation, DRA is requesting all water users to voluntarily reduce all non-essential water usage. Non-essential water use includes irrigation, outdoor recreation, washing sidewalks and driveways, filling or refilling pools and hot tubs, non-commercial washing of vehicles and boats, and dust control measures during construction, among others.

These voluntary measures are to protect the delicate ecosystem of the Duck River Watershed, which has been declared one of the most bio-diverse ecosystems in North America, and to ensure all entities have sufficient waterflow for customers.

Marshall County Board of Public Utilities is thankful for your support in this request. DRA will continue to monitor the situation, and further announcements will be made in the coming weeks.

Marshall County Board of Public Utilities will be closed on February 17th in observance of President’s Day. We will reopen at 8:00 a.m. on February 18th.  



March 18, 2025

9:00 A.M.







  • February 18, 2025


    • Grant process
    • Purchasing Policy
    • Lewisburg Contract
    • Attorney Fee
    • Bill of Sale
    • ARPA funding
    • CDBG easements
    • Update 31A Project
    • Inter basin transfer- expires 3/31/25
    • AMI/AMR meters RFP
    • Henry Horton Park fire flow letter
    • WTP update
    • Bid-Raw water line
    • Bid-Anes Station Tank
    • Investments
    • Adjustments
    • Audit annual contract




  1. Comments may only be made on items on the meeting agenda
  2. The period of public comment will be 30 minutes at a maximum
  3. The number of speakers allowed to speak during the public comment section is ten (10)
  4. The length of time a speaker may speak is three (3) minutes
  5. The speaker’s comments shall be addressed to the chairman of the board
  6. Until further notice those desiring to provide public comment shall submit their name in person and in writing to the MCBPU office by 3:00 p.m. the prior day to the meeting. (Items 1-5 are in effect)


“In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, Marshall County Board of Public Utilities is prohibited and therefore does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. MCBPU is an equal opportunity provider and employer, and will not exclude nor discriminate in the contractual bidding process.

To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-09410″

Payments can be made at 624 West Commerce St. in our night drop or under the payment option tab at this web page.

None at this time.

Marshall County Public Utilities will be accepting sealed bids for mowing at office property, tank sites, sewer plants, and pump station sites. All bids should be returned in a sealed envelope clearly marked “Lawn Care Bid”  by 2:00 p.m. Marsh 31, 2025, to the above address. This will be a two year contract. Marshall County Public Utilities reserves the right to reject any or all bids and waive any formalities. A list of all sites may be picked up at our office. Marshall County Public Utilities will not exclude nor discriminate any bid on the grounds of race, color, or national origin. 


Qualified candidates may apply in person at Marshall County Board of Public Utilities.

624 W. Commerce St., Lewisburg, TN. No phone calls please.

MCBPU is an equal opportunity employer and provider.